"While comfort and quality must be calculated, style is the result of inspiration. for me this is the starting point. First and foremost, good design must please the senses.”
- John Hutton -

Founded by Douglas Hutton to distribute the Hutton family's internationally celebrated european brands, Hutton Collections has proven itself to be a valued resource to the design community for providing the highest quality designs and manufacturing available from around the world. Our collections are developed and manufactured in the regions specific to the product's history and the materials used in their fabrication. The Hutton style merges the traditional and the contemporary to create a unique design vision recognized around the world.

JHT is providing design professionals with sturdy, practical textiles that are both enduring and luxurious.  As always the Hutton signature style combines contemporary flair with a classical foundation producing truly original designs that are at once current, yet timeless. 

- Douglas Hutton -

Made in France at Counot Blandin

On January 24, 2017 Counot Blandin was awarded the “Indication Géographique Siège de Liffol“ label.

For 150 years, and because their village is surrounded by forests of white beech, they have been  manufacturing seats in Liffol-le-Grand. In order to obtain the “Sièges de Liffol” IG stamp, they honor the 23 steps of the manufacturing process (deburring, fretwork, routing…) imposed by the specifications.

The age-old know-how is respected at all stages:

Wood comes from sustainable forests.

Foam does not contain Chlorofluorocarbons.

The IG stamp is a guarantee to clients that the products are made during each of the 23 stages of production, and that they all took place in Liffol le Grand.